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Farming and Horticulture Projects That May Qualify For R&D Tax Relief

6th August 2020

More and more, we are finding that businesses in the farming and agricultural industry are unknowingly engaging in R&D activities on a daily basis that could qualify for significant R&D tax relief.

Below are some areas which could be considered as research and development in the farming and agricultural sectors:  

  • Fertilisers, pest and weed control
  • Adapting to atmospheric conditions e.g. silage wrap
  • Development of new machinery and components or adaption of existing e.g. robotics for a particular task
  • Maximise yield through soil management and smart irrigation
  • Processes to reduce waste and/or reuse waste products e.g. bio-fuels
  • Feed supplements to improve livestock production and reproduction
  • Use of sensors, drones and satellite technology
  • Vertical farming or hydroponics

Our specialist consultants are experienced in identifying which costs could qualify for R&D tax relief, which is a government scheme supporting innovation for UK SME’s. Many businesses which we speak to all too often believe that research and development encompasses projects carried out in a laboratory. However, that is a big misconception.  

If you carry out any of the work mentioned in this article or have done so in the past, then a quick phone call with one of our Consultants will help you realise whether you qualify for R&D tax credits. Projects outside of the above list may also qualify.

You can get in touch with one of our Consultants at 0800 195 7516.

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