The Tough Phone

The Tough Phone

The toughest smart devices for use anywhere.

By now most of us understand the benefits of the smartphone and know that the future is undoubtedly mobile as more of our day to day duties are carried out on these hand held mini-computer style mobile phones.

We also know that smart phones are expensive and when you drop a smartphone in a muddy puddle or bang it against a metal object a costly repair or even a new handset is in order as your typical phone won’t stand up to much abuse.

This is the point we realise how important out smart phones are to us!

I believe smart phones can really help Britain’s farmers but perhaps a suitable device has yet to be launched

Until now that is !!

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The Toughphone Ltd

16 Sheath Street
NN11 4AB

Hours of Business:

9am-5pm Monday-Friday

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